Teku Transfer Station sasaja@gmail.com

The 15 Groups of Informal Waste Workers

1. Shantinagar and Sinamanagal Area (5 groups)

a) Rakshya Bandhan Group

b) Milijuli Group

c) Mahadevstahn Group

d) Shri-Ram Group

e) Bholenath Group

2. Teku Area (6 groups)

a) Risheswar Group A

b) Risheswar Group B

c) Shiva Shakti Group

d) Sanwedanshil Group

e) Sambhawana Group

3. Sisdole Area (4 groups)

a) Dupcheswar Group

b) Laligurans Group

c) Pariwartan Group

d) Sangharshil Group

Every month, the community mobilizer of each area conduct monthly meeting to keep up with their updates, review of the previous month activities and further plans.