Message From Chairperson

It is an honor for me to extend a sincere welcome to all to the –readers, donors and well-wishers of Samyukta Safai Jagaran (SASAJA). SASAJA is Nepal’s first waste worker’s organization. A waste worker is a person who collects reusable or recyclable materials thrown away by others and sell for thei livelihood. Everyone wants their surroundings to be clean but cleaning itself is hardly appreciated by anyone. There are millions of waste workers worldwide, largely in developing countries but increasingly in developed countries as well. Waste management systems in the cities of many developing countries could not be managed without the informal waste workers. Waste is a great resource for waste worker and waste workers are contributing a lot in minimizing the economic cost of local government in solid waste management and keeping the cities clean. Although it is clear that the service of waste workers are crucial and they are an important stakeholder for proper solid waste management, but the occupation remains unrecognized.

The waste workers are primarily the most vulnerable group of urban poor and live in unhealthy conditions. Social and economic exploitation of waste workers is obvious due to lack of awareness, low educational status and lack of skills and technology. To overcome these problems all informal waste workers of Kathmandu valley unite and form an organization named “Samyukta Safai Jagaran” with the technical and financial support of PRISM (Poverty Reduction of Informal Workers in Solid Waste Management Sector) project, funded by European Union. Nearly 1000 informal waste workers are associated with the organization and all members have more than 10 years to 30/35 years of working experiences in this occupation.
The main milestone of our organization is to enhance the life of informal waste workers, to strengthen their capacity and advocacy for recognition of informal waste workers and their service in solid waste management.
Lastly I hope you all will help and join your hands to succeed our mission. Thank you!